Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Look at these cutie pies!

We love I mean LOVE our pups. and "real" pet owners understand, not our pets but our friends, our kids or companions.

These guys just rock and are so fun. and Chase (the black one) just turned one this past weekend. Happy Birthday Chase bot.

Friday, November 02, 2007

My Poor Lil Blog

I am so Damn lazy.

I have so much to say and so very little time to say it, but I digress... i'm lazy. I am so lazy lately I don't even watch TV or see movies, takes up too much time. Don't really surf the internet much anymore. Work from home constantly and work on the house most of all, it's too darn much. I need to relax and writing things does that for me. Think i'll get back to writing my poems on here. Crazy ones like:

They all spoke their minds

No truths came

Catcalls rained

Empty minds Lost finds

everyone giving blame

and because of all this My ass pained

Give UP give up

shut up Shut UP

change the game

for you, for me

work as one

and we'll all be free.

or crazy.

(ok, i'll work on those)

Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm Back ON!

ok, I wipped my system like a month or 2 ago and then when I came to log in later to do a post i couldn't because.... like the GENIUS that I am I forgot my password. I never write these things down out of fear someone will find them.

hmmm maybe i'll have to make an exception now. The darn username and password just now popped in my head. oh well I'm back NOW.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Guess I'll Try Again

Ok, I have not been able to log in for about a month now. I thought i'd give all this one more try. What to talk about, life, politics, religion, sexuality, my hot ass, the state of the union, life in these United States, My big cock (ha), saxaphones, deer hunting (I don't do) cooking, birth control (stop pluggn that beaver), warranty information, dog poo, drool, capitalism, radical farts in the far east of your anus (I said Anus), farmers markets near you, History, The FUTURE, weather vains......

Well there's tons of things to talk about.

ya know.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Ok, where have I been

Well since I started work I have been so busy I can't get my bearings straight. I miss writing and telling telling tells and showing the best ways to take care ourselves. BUT man, I am tired. I just DO NOT care any more. What can one do in ALL... THIS. what is going on. I do not understand. The Pain. I give up. No More. I think i'll drop dead!