Well that was fun. What a wonderful Christmas for our little girl. She got TONs of things. Bobby's Dad even made MADE I said her this huge Toy box. (He is posting a pic of it on his blog latter today, it's still in the car). Ms Sabrina made out like a bandit, easily receiving more gifts that anyone (Yeah, I know the receiving doesn't matter but it's so nice to see how much her Aunts and Uncles and cousins love HER so Much. We already KNEW how much her Grandparents loved her).
We have still been upset. My Older Brother who lives here in AZ about 65 or so miles from us in Buckeye has STILL never met her, nor my 3 nephews. So we are going over there tomorrow. My Bro had swine flu when I was off work with her so we refused to go over till he was diagnosed as 100%. That didn't happen till after I went back and he works Tues - Saturday. So it will be good to see them tomorrow. I am making them a Triple Chocolate Cheesecake called Deep Chocolate Cheesecake. I'm trying to think of a quick meal I can make also. Maybe prepare a Lasagna and half cook it. They can finish it tomorrow. I don't know. I'm tired. I have to make 2 cheesecakes for work next week but, I will not complain. We get a floater day off so I'm taking Thursday off so I can have another 4 day weekend. Maybe I'll take her to Grandma's Or over to my friends Chuck and Jim's over in Paradise Valley.
Bobby spent the morning putting most of her toys together we think she is suffering from toy overload. HA. She has no clue what to do with so much MORE stuff. It's funny to watch. Oh she's such a love. I think Sabrina made our families Christmas one of the best ever. My poor Mom, I don't think we could be possibly getting enough pictures to her. We try.
Hope Everyone Had a Very Merry Christmas.