Saturday, May 09, 2009

I can't believe She is ONLY 3 weeks old, Yes, tonight at 11:15 Sabrina will be officially 3 weeks old. It FEELs like she 2months. I feel like we've had her forever, it's weird to try and explain. It's nice because Bobby has to pretty much watch her all weekend since i'm here M - F watching her day and night, I got to go to the gym today, to read, to surf the internet, to do NOTHING but Stare at a WALL. I did not sleep in like I planned, 6:08 and I was up. Got her just as she was waking, played for a bit she got fussy (as she always does, when she is ready to eat) fed her gave some kisses put her back to bed. Went downstairs, set up Guitar Hero World Tour (yes, I won An Xbox elite Resident Evil edition , and Guitar Hero world Tour from work). So now I am going to sell my Xbox elite even though it has a larger hard drive, Mine has 160, this one has 120. Not like I pay it that friggin often. Once a week maybe. I think the Kid next door will be coming over more to play it than we do. Which is cool. We have had a fun week of people dropping by to see Sabrina, I can't wait till it just dies down and all that stops. We are having her coming home party on the 23rd since my Mom and her husband will be here then and that should do it. Everyone says "oh yeah they all want to see the new baby but after a month or so it just dies down or away. Good, be the away part. It's tiring. Plus, Ms Sabrina has been REALLY fussy the past 2 days. She prefers to be held about 90% of the day, and that is kinda hard to do, so Bobby experienced that today as I did yesterday and when I came home from the gym he had that I'm so exhausted look. I thought, thats my everyday lately. It's ALL so worth it too. G....

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