Saturday, August 13, 2005

What's been going on

This has been one hell of a month (well a bit more than a month since D-Day). I have been searching and searching for a new job and this is not going well. I have revamped my resume and my Cover letter. My Cover letter I have made more flexible for the software industry so maybe that will help. My resume I am still a bit shaky about. I wanted to keep it to one page but putting in most of the important points I wanted to emphasize is causing problems. I know I need to focus on the last job and the job before that. Oh well.

Well on the Heptig side one more baby was born. Cute baby Noah was born on Aug. 04, 2005. Also Tricia is pregnant I think about 6 - 8 weeks. Cami and I think it's a boy. Keith wants another girl. I can't figure why. i'd rather pull my hair out than have 2 girls in less than a 3 yr period.

Maybe i'll hit the streets and make some money that way? I guess you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm broke at this point and it's not looking too good. I'll just keep holding on. Plus our cable was shut off yesterday and the phone is close to being on the way.

I hope this doesn't interfere with my huge Christmas i'm planning.

Oh and our residential guest are still living with us. They were suppose to move last weekend, but had and issue and were suppose to move today or yesterday but are STILL here. This is really getting out of control.

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