OK, this is what I CALLED the Friggen CAKE from HELL. THE beast of Satan sat down and made up some recipe to punish the ill gotten and torture ALL. and this 12, YES 12 layer cake is IT!
phuk it was GOOD! i'll torture myself AGAIN!
Well I was all upset before with all the chest pains and going ons, but now. oh great, BACK PAIN is back! I have been in a little bit of pain for almost 2 weeks now so I completely stopped working out which is what I do at the onsite of any back pain. After two surgeries I do not risk it, I do not do anything that could possible hurt my back, I just all around try to be careful and workout using proper form ALWAYS. Who knows what I did, came home yesterday made a cheesecake for Bobby to take to work and some double chocolate cookies for each of us to take, made dinner and then went to bed. I felt fine for the first half of all that which was like 3 hours of cooking, then I had to let to cookies cool and dip them in ganache. That is when last night I thought WOW, maybe this pain isn't going away so fast. I woke this morning HOWLING in pain. It took me 20 minutes to shower and 20 minutes to get dressed. I have never moved so SLOW in all my life. I had planned to just go in, take my cookies do a lil work and leave by 9 after my boss got in, but I just did not want to GET UP. It was just to difficult to move around. Everyone went out to lunch but again, i just did not want to get out of my chair. I am supposed to be baking something now for tomorrow but not sure I can do it. I just went to bed bath & beyond and bought a clearenced stool to sit on, it is just right for the counter top and stove. so if that helps i'll pursue my cooking endevours. If not i'll cry to my Mommy. I am currently on 3 different prescription pain pills, and about 8 ibuprofen and NOTHING, it is doing nothing for me. I think i'll take a short nap and see how I feel around 5 or so.
I hope everything is ok by tomorrow, I do not like missing work.
(this is from yesterday, and I am feeling a bit better since this late afternoon.