We are so still up in the air about names, we have far more boy names chosen that girl and we keep saying we are going to work on that but cannot think of any we both like. I for some reason do not like the older more traditional names i.e. Theresa, Eleanor, Pam.. Matt, Douglas, Joe (no offense to anyone with those names. They are nice but not for me). I don't want any of the wild black folk names made up from things I pass on the street or see on TV, Mobil, citibank, Ford, Dupont, walmartacus. We liked Xander for a boy at first but now we like (choose your spelling of it) jayden, jaiden... Our friends Chuck and Jim's youngest son is named that but we told them that will not change our mind. We have like 2 girl names and none we are thrilled about. I did tell Bobby if it is a boy I want to give him both of our middle names has his middle name, since we will not be hyphynating the the last name we can the middle. I had thought about making the middle name Bobby's last name but it just doesnt' ring right. You know like the Kennedy's. All the boys middle name was Fitzgerald from Ruth's maiden name. Which I thought was so cool to honor the mother. I think the whole name thing is so important, You don't want your kid being made fun of nor do you want it to be one of those things Lewis Black talks about in one of his acts about a case working after the show telling him she met a couple with kid whose name was pronounce Ashol`e but it was spelled Asshole, then there was Shited oh yeah, spelled shithead and there was one from New Jersey and it was Abcde. WOW. what the heck is the world coming too. I am thinking of going for dribble or something like that. Maybe something with some snap, like Whip
There is so much in a name. This is going to be the first thing employers see when they read a resume. Its what the principal will see when he reads the class rouster. The name is the first impression! As lesbians, Holly and I picked out our children's names on our second date! LOL For a boy we like two names - Clayton (which is after her uncle that passed away) and Keegan. For a girl we like two names - Emma and Peyton. As for middle names - the boy will take her middle name (Ray) and the girl will take mine (Lynn). Now if we have two boys one of them will have my middle name... Keegan Lynn Adams. Hmmmmm... It sounds like a girl's name.
I also wanted to say thank you for the comment on my blog. We are doing better everyday and getting ready for Holly to get preggos in January!
Ha! I love it. So lesbianic to pick your kids names on the second date.
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