I can't wait, We can't wait. Tomorrow we are going camping, it is our first trip this year as I refused to go since the passing of Mojo and Deja-Vu earlier this year. Typically we go 4 - 6 times a year but we will make up for it next year. We have the new puppy Ripley now and this time next year will be great, he will be over a year old and will probably enjoy camping much more.
When we get back I will post some pics, Keith, Tricia, Lily and Zachary are going with us also. I hope things will be fine as so far the weather is showing rain every day past sunday which is the day we leave to come home. Oh well I know Bobby and I will make the best of it. We always take plenty of games to play in cause such things happen and also books and magazines.
You should see some of the stuff we found this week, we bought a ceiling fan for inside the tent because we have gone camping before and trying to take a nap in the AZ heat in the afternoon is almost impossible, we found a slow cooker (no we did not buy it) oh but we did buy the Mr Coffee coffee pot. I don't mind the preculatad style coffee we usually have but I HATE the coffee grinds that you always get in each cup. I litterally cannot wait! I sleep so well when camping and since we have had Ripley I just don't sleep much trying to keep an eye on him, so this will be just wonderful
I plan on posting a hot pic everyday from now on, (if I can remember to do so).
Have a good weekend
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