Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On My Soap Box

Ok, Yes, I am very HAPPY that Barack Obama has just gone into office. Yes, I am hoping this "change" does come and is of some significant value. Yes, I do think his presidency (whether is sucks or not) is going to be very important for this country.

BUT, If I hear one, ONE MORE person go on about the first African American or Black president I am gonna start shooting up some @ssholes. What the heck is with people, does everyone have a ONE track MIND. Open your eyes, do the research, pay ATTENTION,

HE'S NOT BLACK! well technically. he is A person OF MIXED RACE, bi-racial. Now when we want that to be one thing it works? GIVE ME A BREAK. I mean I admit, I am of several, not 2 or 3 ethnic back grounds and it do put black/african american on forms cause it is easier than doing other and trying to explain, but if you ask me face to face, I will actually tell you all the things that make me a MUTT.

I do not know why it bugs me, but it does. People keep talking about this victory for the African American community! WHA! I didn't get my trophy, my check, or my new CAR. Why do I always miss out when the free stuff is being served up. CRAP.

Sorry, Now back to the celebration.....


Michelle said...

Right on!

Unknown said...

Yeah but isn't it Great! Whoo hoo!

Rik Miller said...

LOL... well congrats on having the first bi-racial african-american whitian asian frenchian who know what elsian in the office.. now somebody give me some swag.. and get me some better ice ho's to bring it then the ones we saw at the last ice hockey game! LOL.. Miss ya too sunshine.. We all need to go out again soon!!!